All of the offerings in this Series include two sessions:
Session 1: A PRE-RECORDED educational video that you download and view on your own.
Session 2: A LIVE session with Carol Gurney and the other participants conducted via Zoom.
In addition, you will receive access to Bonus Material you can download and print, including an outline for the Pre-recorded Video and Carol’s teaching notes for the Live Sessions.
Available Webinars
Introductory Animal Communication Webinar #1
Introductory Animal Communication Webinar #2
Animals as Our Mirrors
Physical Issues with Animals
Problem Solving with Animals
How to Help Rescued and Ailing Animals
End-of-Life Issues with Animals
Lost Animals
Past Lives with Animals
Chakra Balancing
Case Study
Tips for Being/Becoming a Professional
Prerequisites: None
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 2-hour Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: More than 55 pages, including: Animal Communication vs. Intuition, Who’s Talking…You or Your Animal, Why Talking to Your Own Animals is Challenging, How to Deal with Fear, How to Quiet Your Mind, and much more.
This is Part 1 of Carol’s renowned Introductory training. Developed and refined over 30 years, her explanations, examples and techniques have taught thousands of people how to talk with animals using their natural language: telepathy.
First, watch the video and review the information-packed Bonus Material. You’ll learn some of the basic techniques of telepathic communication and participate in several exercises teaching you how to quiet your mind and make a heart-to-heart connection with animals. Then, during the Live Zoom call, practice what you have learned with one of Carol’s own animals and get IMMEDIATE feedback so you gain the confidence that what you are hearing is indeed real.
Introductory Animal Communication Webinar #2
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinar #1
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 45-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: More than 40 pages, including: How to Practice Animal Communication, Questions to Ask Aggressive Animals, Saying “No” to a Client, Information from Teleconferences, and much more.
Now you are ready to delve more deeply into communicating with animals as you take Part 2 of Carol’s Introductory training. Learn how to communicate over a distance (meaning the animal is not with you) using the animal’s photograph. You’ll receive suggestions and learn exercises to help overcome communication blocks you may experience. Again, you’ll have the opportunity during the live session to talk with several animals and get immediate feedback and validations that what you are hearing is coming from the animal.

Animals as Our Mirrors
Prerequisites: None
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 90-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: More than 40 pages, including: Carol’s CD script, Types of Mirroring, Questions to Ask the Animals, How to Talk to the Client, How to do a Separate Mirroring Consultation, Suggested Reading List and much more.
Would you like to know why your animal is in your life? Have you ever wondered what your animal has to teach you? Learn what your animal may want to show you about yourself? Would you like to talk about the spiritual aspects of animals with others who share your love of animals? Then this is for you!
Carol will talk about the dog who taught her that animals are mirrors for us. She will explain this concept and share the process that can be applied with your own animals as well as sharing how she applied this in her own life. The spiritual aspects of who animals are will be discussed both by Carol and all participants, giving you an opportunity to share your own experiences and views of the bigger picture of the animal world. As time allows, you will see how this concept of Animals as Our Mirrors applies to your relationships with your own animals (Carol will work with you and as many of your own animals as time allows).
Most importantly, you will have the tools to allow your animals to help you love yourself as they do, unconditionally.

Physical Issues with Animals
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 2-hour Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PT
Bonus Material: More than 55 pages, including: Conversations with Carol eBook Series…Helping Animals with Physical and Nutritional Issues with Carol and her veterinarian, Creating Healthy Pets Through Nutrition, How to Use a Pendulum, The Vaccination Dilemma, Essential Oils Chart, Bach Flower Essences® for Pets, and much more.
Your animal is ill, and you just wish you could ask her how she feels. You can! In this webinar you will learn ways to get details from animals about how the discomfort feels to them, where they feel it, and how often they feel this way. We will teach you how to receive the physical sensations animals are experiencing in their body, and techniques to assess their pain level on a scale of 1-10. You will also learn how to ask if anything you are doing for them brings relief, and how to uncover any emotional issues that may be tied to the illness. In our Live Session you will apply these skills to an animal so you can get immediate validation that you got it!

Problem Solving with Animals
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 3-hour Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PT
Bonus Material: Twenty pages of valuable information to help you become a proficient problem-solver, including: Questions to Ask Aggressive Animals, Problem Solving Outline, and more.
Behavioral issues can become an animal lover’s nightmare: dogs showing aggression, cats refusing to use the litter box, horses shying and bucking, birds plucking feathers…all issues that cause worry, stress and can even lead to an animal losing their home.
Here you will learn how to get to the root of why animals behave the way they do; the underlying reasons they are “acting out.” The key is knowing the right questions to ask of the animal, then finding out what they need to resolve the behavior. You’ll learn a step-by-step method to dig into the problem, and specific questions you can use to help. Our goal is for you to become a proficient problem solver on behalf of the animals. You’ll also find out how to put together an Action Plan – for yourself if this is your own animal, or for your client if you are working with another animal. During our Live Session, you will have the opportunity to further develop your skills by practicing with an animal and applying what you have learned.

How to Help Rescued and Ailing Animals
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2 and Physical Issues with Animals
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 90-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Rescued animals often need very special support. For those in a shelter, learn the important information they need to understand why they are there so you can make their stay (however long) as comfortable as possible for the animal and his caregivers. We’ll discuss ways to help animals who may be feral, fearful, hurt, confused, stressed, and may have suffered abuse. We’ll explore how to comfort ailing animals in a shelter and discuss various healing modalities and techniques to determine how the animal is feeling.
Also, we’ll teach you to uncover what an animal needs in their forever home so the best match can be made, and the new family knows what they can do to help their animal make this important transition. During the Live Session, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences with the other participants, and ask Carol all your questions.

End-of-Life Issues with Animals
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRERECORDED 90-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: 38 pages, including Commemoration Ideas, Outline for Questions to Ask, and more, as well as the digital downloadable version of Carol’s CD recording of “When It’s Time to Say Goodbye”.
This is one of the most difficult times: when your beloved animal friend is near the end of her life. This Webinar is designed to help you prepare, deal with, and heal from the loss of a beloved animal friend. You will learn ways of supporting an animal during times of failing health, preparing for their leaving, knowing when or if they may need assistance in their transition, and understanding the grieving process. Knowing your animal’s desires and wishes can help so much as you move through this time with them.
Carol will talk to you about how animals view death, where they go, and will answer all the questions you have related to this issue in the Live Session. You will also learn how to communicate with an animal who is already in Spirit form, and Carol will lead you through a meditation giving you the opportunity to reconnect with one of your animal companions in Spirit form.
Lost Animals
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 90-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: 72 pages of information, including: How to Successfully Relocate with Animals, What to Do if You Find a Lost Animal, Lost Animal Flyer, Complete Script from Carol’s “How to Find Lost Animals” CD, Conversations with Carol eBook Series…Finding Lost Animals, and more.
Can you really talk with a lost animal and perhaps find them? Yes, you can. This process can be complex and intricate – but our training clearly spells out what you need to know and learn. Carol will teach the effective step-by-step techniques she has developed to determine whether an animal is in his physical body, whether an animal is truly lost or not, and whether the animal is out on his own or with a new family. You will learn how to discover important details from the animal about where he may be and what may have happened, and how to talk with an animal who may be panicked or injured. We’ll give you ways to assist the family (or yourself if this is your animal) by providing them powerful tools they can use to remain calm and productive. And if the animal’s location is found, but in the meantime, he has moved on, we’ll give you the next helpful steps in getting him back home.
During the Live session, everyone will experience communicating with an animal who was lost, then got home, in order to practice your skills and get validations about the information you receive.
Past Lives with Animals
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 45-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90 minute-Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: 42 pages of information, including: Detailed Instructions for “How to do a Therapeutic Past Life Session,” Past Life Meditation, Information-Packed Script from Carol’s “Past Lives” CD, and more.
Have you always felt like your animal knows you better than anyone else? Do you want to learn whether or not you have shared your life with your animal before? This Webinar will help you discover why you have that special bond and connection with your animal – a bond that is often like no other. People will often say their animal feels so familiar and the love they share is more than that of a human. When those types of feelings emerge, it is possible to look beyond this life time to see if we can retrieve past lives where we have been together with our animals.
During this Webinar, Carol will share with you when it is most important to look at a past life with an animal and how this can be extremely therapeutic in balancing all of the relationships in your life. By sharing several heart-warming case studies, you will understand the lessons we learn in each lifetime, why we continue to come back to one another and what your animals may have to teach you…and discover whether animals always come back as animals again.
And you won’t want to miss this! During the Live Session, Carol will guide you through a meditation allowing you to revisit a past life with one of your animal friends. Here you will gain a better understanding of your relationship and know your connection and love is truly timeless. You may also get insight into behavior issues your animal may have in their present life, as often unwanted behaviors come from a past life and can only be resolved by looking at misperceptions the animal may still be holding.

Chakra Balancing
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 90-minute Video
Session 2: LIVE 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: Starts at 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm PT
Bonus Material: More than 20 pages of information, including: How to Use a Pendulum and Why it Works, Detailed Descriptions of the Seven Chakras, Chakra Charts for Humans and Animals, and more.
This Webinar will bring you and your animals closer than ever! You’ll discover how to bring harmony to yourself and your animals by learning some simple techniques to help balance their Chakras as well as your own, bringing symmetry to your physical and emotional self.
The Chakra system is an ancient way of viewing the body. It is divided into seven zones with each area having energy that must flow freely. When the Chakras are open and balanced, the whole body works in harmony and animals, as well as humans, feel elevated, energized and whole.
In this Webinar you will learn:
- Where the Chakras are located in animals and humans
- What each Chakra reflects on an emotional level
- Several evaluative techniques to assess whether the Chakras are open or closed (muscle-testing, pendulum usage, use of our hands)
- Exercises to help us use the evaluative tools with confidence
- What is going on with the animal personally to understand the imbalance of the Chakra
- How to help the animal resolve the issue through telepathy as well as physical ways to bring the Chakra back into balance
In the Live Session, working with Carol and one of her animals, you’ll apply the techniques you’ve learned to assess and balance Chakras…it’s a lot of fun!

Tips for Being/Becoming a Professional
Prerequisites: Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and # 2
Session 1: PRE-RECORDED 2-Hour Video
Session 2: Live 90-minute Zoom call with Carol Gurney and other participants
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm PT
Bonus Material: Thirty pages of information, including: Ideas for Setting up and Running Your Business, Marketing Ideas, Sample Liability and Client Consent Forms, and more.
Over 30 years of teaching students to become professional animal communicators and coaching those who are already professionals needing to enhance their skills has taught US something! Here Carol shares helpful tips and information you won’t find anywhere else, including:
- Fastest ways to build your confidence
- A plan for when you are just starting
- Dealing with clients effectively
- Tips for the intake and feedback with clients
- Setting boundaries
- Taking care of yourself
- Liability
- Ethics
- Dealing with doubtful people
- Tough questions from people – and the answers
During the Live Session, you’ll share ideas and inspiration with other participants, and Carol will answer all your questions – after over 30 years, she’s dealt with just about everything professionals need to know.
Case Studies
Prerequisites: None
Includes a written assessment and personal 30-minute phone session with a Gurney Institute Certified Consulting Associate.
The most effective learning tool from our Certification Training Program is now available as part of the Customized Educational Series. Using the format and instructions provided to you, you’ll write up one of your own Animal Communication sessions in detail. Then one of our Consulting Associates will thoroughly review your Case, both in writing then during a personal 30-minute phone consultation with you. Our objective is to highlight your areas of strength and give you specific, targeted tips and suggestions for improving other areas of your Case as necessary. We are highly experienced with this process, and participants find this a very helpful and supportive experience.
Case Study: $200
Prerequisites: None
1-hour one-on-one personal Coaching with a Gurney Institute Certified Consulting Associate.
Our Consulting Associates have been working with The Institute’s students for years and are highly skilled with helping you deal with roadblocks, concerns, fears, doubts, and gaining a deeper understanding of dealing with an animal’s issues. You will fill out an initial form giving us details of your background, experience and areas where you need help, then a Consulting Associate will create a personalized coaching session just for you. Coaching is one-on-one and is done via phone. This is a fabulous opportunity to get just what you need!