Q: What is Animal Communication?

Identifying this connection as “Telepathy” may at first seem unfamiliar to us, but it is an animal’s natural language, and we all have the ability to use this language. As with any language, with training and practice, we can become more fluent and better able to understand what our animals want to tell us.
Q: How do I know I am communicating with an animal and that I’m not making it up?
Q: How can Animal Communication help me and my animal?
Q: After I take your Introductory Animal Communication Webinars #1 and #2, will I be able to communicate with my animal?
A: Yes, you will, however, practicing with animals you don’t know will build your confidence as you can get verification of your communication from the animal’s caregiver.
Q: Will I be able to communicate with all animals or just mine?
Q: Will I be able to communicate telepathically with humans as well?
Q: Do animals lie?
Q: Does Carol teach the Webinars?
A: Absolutely! She has prepared and presents each Video herself, and conducts the Live Session of the Webinars with all participants over a scheduled Live Zoom call.
Q: Can I receive continuing education credits for attending your webinars?
A: We do not offer CEU’s at this time; however, we encourage you to contact the organization in which you wish to apply the contact hours. On occasion, organizations will accept contact hours from The Gurney Institute of Animal Communication Webinars towards their continuing education requirement.
About the “Animals as Our Mirrors” Webinar
Q: What kind of things would my animal say about me, and how good must my Animal Communication skills be to do this? How will I find out what my animal thinks about me…will I communicate with them, or does Carol do this?
Q: I have a few personal things I’d rather not talk about – is that OK?

Q: Will everyone attending hear what my animal has to say?
Q: How can my animal know anything about how I feel and what has happened in my life?
About the End-of-life Issues Webinar
Q: Will I be doing any Animal Communication during this Webinar? If so, how good must my skills be to participate?
A: We will communicate with animals that have passed on using photos of the workshop participants’ animals. The skills learned in the Introductory Animal Communication Webinar (a prerequisite to this Webinar) will give you the knowledge base to understand and participate
Through a guided meditation led by Carol, you will get in touch with one of your animals in Spirit form so you can ask those questions of him that you’ve always wanted to have the answers to. You will also communicate with one of Carol’s animals in Spirit form so you can get immediate validations of the information you receive.
Q: Will we cover what medical assistance we can give our animals when their health is failing?
Q: How can I communicate with animals who have passed on? Can this really be done?
Q: I have a very strong religious faith and have some concern this workshop Webinar will discourage my beliefs…is it OK to come? or I do not have very strong religious beliefs, and have some concern there might be a lot of discussion and “push” to change my beliefs…how is this handled?
A: During the workshop Webinar , participants are encouraged to express their beliefs concerning dying and death of animals without judgment or discussion about what is “right” or “wrong.” Ideas are freely spoken, and no one will be asked to neither change their opinion nor agree upon “one” answer.
Q: I am still mourning an animal I lost years ago…how can this help when it’s been so long since I lost her?
Q: I am afraid I made the wrong decision about the end of my animal’s life...what if he is angry with me, or tells me he suffered terribly?
A: Many of us feel lingering guilt over the end of a beloved animal’s life, and ask ourselves repeatedly: “Did I do the right thing?” In this workshop webinar, you will gain a better understanding of how animals view death and dying, and how their depth of love enables them to accept our decisions and receive the final acts of caring and love we give them.